No nonsense tutoring - the "old school" style

Our Happy Students

Nizaar has been an outstanding tutor for Kimberly, helping her achieve significant progress in a short time. The dedication and effective teaching methods have boosted her understanding and confidence immensely. We truly appreciate the support and highly recommend Nizaar.

Agnes M.

My son has been with Teacher Nizaar for the past 2 years. He has helped my son to improve his results in Maths and Physics. Teacher Nizaar has always been supportive, patient and knowledgeable allowing my son to thrive and enjoy his sessions. Extremely grateful for always being willing to be flexible and patient with us. Looking forward to the next 2 years!!!

Nazli & Atheem Karriem

Mr Nizaar Gardee has been our tutor for the past year. He has been tutoring us in Life Sciences. During the time he has been tutoring us we have found him to be a very reliable, responsible and hardworking person. He was very professional in his tutoring methods and always made sure that we understood the lesson at hand. Before he continued with further lessons he would make sure that we understood what was taught. He was always on time for his lessons and he never skipped out on any lessons. Mr Gardee is also very persistent in achieving the best results for his students irrespective of the levels of ability or background. 

Ziyaad and Riyaaz Coenraad (brothers)

Nizaar Gardee has been a gift from the heavens for our son.  We always knew that our son had a particular inclination to math and the natural sciences but we never knew how to get him to see it.  With Mr. Gardee’s patience and guidance our son is now at a stage that I never thought we would see him reach – ready for university and higher learning!

It is a rare breed of tutor that can not only convey difficult material to a struggling student but can also do so in a way in which the student overcomes the internal barriers they have set for themselves.  Excuses like, “I can never do that!” or “It is just way too hard!” were brushed away with Mr. Gardee’s professionalism, patience and no-nonsense tutoring and coaching. 

As parents, we would be lost without Mr. Gardee’s efforts tutor and nurture our son to see his potential and to start taking the steps to reach it in the field of math and life sciences.   

Naeem S